1. Introduction

    1. Basic ideas of TQC according to TGD

    2. Could p-adic thermodynamics be relevant for TQC?

  2. Quantum computation viz. clasical computation

    1. Meanings of CC and QC

    2. How do QC and CC differ?

    3. What does one mean with a CC program?

    4. Could AI be conscious?

  3. TQC in TGD

    1. What could be the physical realization of the TQC program?

    2. Is it possible to replace quantum states with irreps of the braided Galois group?

    3. Quantum analog of annealing

    4. How the TQC program could be engineered?

    5. How to engineer the entanglement between many-fermion states and irreps of relative Galois groups?

    6. Some delicacies related to the Galois group