1. Introduction

    1. Questions And Answers About Evolution

    2. Topics Of The Chapter

  2. What Is Known About Pre-Biotic Evolution?

    1. Some Believed-To-Be Facts About The Early History Of Life

    2. Standard Approaches Are Mechanistic

    3. The Notion Of Primordial Ocean

    4. Urey-Miller Experiment

    5. RNA World

    6. How Biochemical Pathways And DNA-Amino-Acid Code Emerged?

    7. Problems With The Polymerization In Primordial Ocean

    8. The Notion Of Protocell

  3. TGD Based Scenario About Pre-Biotic Evolution

    1. Basic Prerequisites

    2. TGD Based Vision About Pre-Biotic Evolution

    3. Pre-Biotic Chemistry And New Physics

    4. Could High Energy Phosphate Bond Be Negentropic Bond With Negative Binding Energy?

    5. Water Memory And Braids

    6. How Bio-Polymers Were Associated With Their Dark Counterparts?

    7. Could the replication of mirror DNA teach something about chiral selection?

  4. Did Life Evolve In The Womb Of Mother Gaia?

    1. Quantum Version Of Expanding Earth Theory And Cambrian Explosion

    2. Did Pre-Biotic Life Evolve In Mantle-Core Boundary?

    3. What Conditions Can One Pose On Life At Mantle-Core Boundary?

    4. What About Analogs Of EEG?

  5. Model For The Hierarchy Of Josephson Junctions

    1. The Most Recent Model For The Generation Of Nerve Pulse

    2. Quantum Model For Sensory Receptor

    3. The Role Of Josephson Currents

    4. What Is The Role Of The Magnetic Body?

    5. Dark Matter Hierarchies Of Josephson Junctions

    6. P-Adic Fractal Hierarchy Of Josephson Junctions